Promercium and its partners of choice share a common set of values that guide our actions and behaviors.  

We are committed to treat one another with respect, to stand by the commitments we undertake and to act with integrity and responsibility. We take ownership of what we do and live up to our high reputation. Obvious, we expect our employees to be accountable for their decisions and actions.

We seek to be partners rather than competitors.
Our goal is to achieve long-term customer relationships with strong partners who value our scale, reputation and market knowledge. We work with our customers to identify and develop solutions which work best for them, helping them manage physical risk and optimise opportunities. Building new relationships and forging new alliances ensures us a steady growth over time.

Love of work, high respect for the individual and care for our people boosts us on our way to our vision, to be a successful ethical investor supporting global growth by establishing next to the world’s largest commodity trading companies.